• xbxc1


Short Description:

Levamisole + Oxyclozanide + Cobalt + Se Oral Suspension 3%+6%+ 0.15%+0.035%


Contains per ml:

Levamisole Hydrochloride: 30mg

Oxyclozanide: 60mg

Cobalt: 1.5mg

Selenium: 0.35mg

Excipients ad:1ml


Product Detail

Product Tags

Levamisole and oxyclozanide act against a broad spectrum of gastrointestinal worms and against lungworms. Levamisole causes and increase of the axial muscle tone followed by paralysis of worms. Oxyclozanide is a salicanilide and acts against trematodes, bloodsucking nematodes and larvae of Hypoderma spp. and Oestrus spp.
Cobalt is an essential trace mineral for ruminant animals such as cattle, sheep and goats. The main function of cobalt in ruminants is to be a component of vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin.
Selenium (Se) is now recognised as an essential trace element for ruminants. It is required in cattle for normal growth and fertility and for helping to prevent other health disorders such as mastitis and calf scours. However, if given in too large a dose or more than one supplement containing selenium is given at the same time, it can be toxic.


Do not use in cases of known hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients.
Animals must not be treated within a period of 14 days before or after treatment with organophosphorus compounds.

administration and dosage

For oral administration.
Cattle: 2.5 ml per 10 kg bodyweight
Sheep: 0.5 ml per 2 kg bodyweight
Shake well before use.


Administration to animals with an impaired hepatic function.
Concurrent administration of pyrantel, morantel or organo-phosphates.

side effects

At normal oxyclozanide dose levels, cattle may show slight softening of the faeces with the occasional animal showing increased frequency of defecation and transient inappetence. Rarely, sheep may show an anaphylactic reaction with swelling of the head.

withdrawal period

For meat and offal:
Cattle: 5 days
Sheep: 5 days


Store below 25℃, protect from light.

For Veterinary UseOnly , Keep out of reach of children

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